
Saturday, August 15, 2020

Which Spirit

Have you noticed, if you have lived for a few years, that the world seems to follow a pattern of change. We follow cycles in the seasons, in the days and months and also in human history. Solomon was right when he said, "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven" (Ecclesiastes 3:1). However, there are some constants. God is always good, always loves, and is always working toward the realization of His Kingdom. He is the God of life, and not just life, Jesus promised "life abundant", in John 10. The Lord also gave us another constant. In this world, there is a thief who comes to rob, kill, and destroy. While we live on this earth those two realities are with us. Now we know that light will defeat darkness. Good will triumph over evil and God will be victorious. Yet, until that day the battle continues. Paul reminds us in Ephesians 6:2. "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." The spirit that wants to rob, kill, destroy, divide, spread fear and anxiety is always there to attempt to keep us from, life abundant, love, unity, truth and freedom. In essence there are two spirits that are at work around us. The question is, which one do you support.

What makes the battle even harder to engage in are the tactics of our enemy. He is a thief, so he is subtle in his attacks. He is an adept liar, and deceiver. 2 Corinthians 11:14 gives this warning, "And no wonder! For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light." We can be influenced by  false teachers, false prophets and people in power who are set out to deceive and control us. While Christ promises us that we have no need to fear the enemy tells us to be afraid, to be very afraid. The Lord told us that we are free, "Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed" (John 8:36). The enemy tells us to give up our freedom in exchange for a false promise of protection.So how do we proceed? What can we do? Matthew 7:20, gives us some help, “Therefore by their fruits you will know them." People, preachers, teachers, and politicians, can say pretty much anything. But what do their actions reveal? Which spirit do they support and serve?

We are at a time in American history when many of the shadows have been burned away so that the forces of light and darkness have become more evident. At least more evident in the 67 years that compose my life. We have the amazing privilege and responsibility that the people back in Bible times never had. We can have a say in who has power over us. The lines are clearly drawn as to which spirit holds sway over those who desire to be given the positions for the governing of this nation. One party and its candidates hold to the value of life, seeing every life as a gift and treasure from God. No matter what pigmentation, mental capability, economic position, born or in the womb, all of these lives have value and are created by the very hand of God Himself. The other sees life as a biological chance to be disposed of  by the judgement and whim of mankind. They not only devalue life but stood up in NY to celebrate the freedom to execute a child even as it leaves the womb. Others feel that a child should not be considered viable until its quality of life can be ascertained. The unworthy burdens to society can mercifully be left to die. God sees the little ones and the older ones as precious. This pandemic has shown the hand of some in leadership who have assigned the elderly to die alone in nursing home where no visitors may visit them, In some cases it is illegal for family members to take there parents and grandparents out of the institutions to bring them home to care for them as a family. Protect life, or kill and destroy. The fruit reveals the spirit.

I am old enough to have lived through some difficult times and have seen riots and destruction in days past. In those days there was an agreement that these were tragic and needed to be brought to an end. Now protesters, who literally rob, kill, and destroy, are encouraged and protected by governors and mayors of one political party. They have declared the violence to be covered by "free Speech" while denying churches and synagogues, and other places of worship to meet. Liquor stores, strip clubs and casinos are essential but Bible studies, little health food stores, churches and small businesses are not. All on the whim of one person who has assumed power. One party supports family life disrupted, family businesses destroyed,  families encouraged to be divided and take sides. All in answer to the spirit's call to rob, kill, destroy, divide, and dishonor the God who made them. The other party asks for a stop to the violence, destruction, and murder, Calling for the moral strength needed to protect the innocent and vulnerable. We were all appalled with the death of George Floyd. A death that should not have occurred and those responsible should be brought to the full measure of justice. But what of the actual hundreds of young men, women and even children of color that have died on the streets of Chicago and other major cities in the past weeks? Don't their lives matter? The spirit of darkness is celebrating the death and mayhem that strangles many of our cities. Those who over see the chaos from the comfort of their governor and mayoral mansions make excuses and de-fund the police. One party political party dominates this oversight of this anarchy and encourages the chaos.  Which spirit is winning? By their fruits you will know them.

I am grieved over the loss of life, the loss of freedom, the destruction of  lives and livelihoods. Cites overcome by fear and darkness. Perpetual attacks with the intent to divide and compartmentalize people and society. In the midst of this a dear brother I met at the gym is diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma. He is in the hospital. I cannot visit, not even playing my "Pastor's" card. We text scripture verses and links to praise and worship songs. Only immediate family can see him. My daughter suggested that I pretend he is my son and sneak in past the hospital security. That is when I first mentioned that he is African American. Pigmentation has never mattered to either of us. We have known each other for a dozen years. Talked and laughed and shared prayer requests. Now my prayers are for him. That the One who gives life will spare his. The spirit of darkness has had enough victories in the past few months.

This is not intended to be a political post. It is about a spiritual war that rages here and around the planet. It is not new and it will not end with an election or change in political power here or anywhere in the world. However, those we elect will take us either further into the realm of "rob. kill, destroy" or toward the preservation of life for the most vulnerable of us, the unborn and aging. One toward the government control and freedoms curtailed. The other toward personal freedom and responsibility One toward legalized destruction and fear and one toward the protection of property and prosperity. One toward curtailing religious liberty and labeling Biblical morality "intolerance"  and the other toward religious freedom and freedom of speech. An honest evaluation of the choices before us support my concerns over the spiritual war that envelopes our communities, our states, our nation and the world. Two spirits. One brings life, freedom, and hope over fear. The other says,  kill, destroy, and be very afraid. Which spirit will you support?    

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