
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Do You Have to be a Christian to be in God's Kingdom?

"Are you a Christian?" One of those nice evangelistic questions to ascertain one's belief system. Where do you classify yourself and does your classification fit in my preconceived matrix. For many, if the answer is "No" the discussion is over, or the need now is to convert you into one. We place a huge amount of weight upon a word that is rarely used is Scripture. Only two times, plus once in the plural. Acts 11:26 informs us that disciples of Paul and Barnabas, and thus of Yeshua, were first called Christians in Antioch. This strong Roman city would see the community of Christ followers as disloyal to Caesar. The term is most likely derisive, not complimentary, or a positive title. The same is true in Acts 26:28, where King Agrippa uses the word to mock the Apostle Paul. I Peter 4:16 gives us the one verse that tells us if we suffer we should do so as a Christian (Christ follower), not for being a wrong-doer. This is not necessarily a bad thing, for titles which are meant to poke fun can actually speak volumes as to one's integrity and belief system. 

The issue here is what if you find, through the study of history, that the promoters of the term had an agenda that violates Scripture? What if this reality makes you uncomfortable with the identifying term? If  you prefer to hang a different label on what you believe, will that keep you out of God's Kingdom? The other side is, how valid is the Christian label if there is no life agreement with the Word of God? We once had a Dr. who was very gracious and compassionate, so I asked the question, "Are you a Christian?" His response was, "I guess so. I'm not Buddhist or Muslim so I must be a Christian."  He gave himself the right label, so is he in God's Kingdom? Most would think not. If you ask Jesus to be your Savior does that automatically make you are a "Christian"? Is there any obedience involved or is the prayer enough? What if you are Jewish? Are you a Christian or a Messianic Jew?

I believe, that at its core and at its foundation, my faith in Yeshua as my Messiah, Lord and Savior, is Judaism. I am a follower, a disciple of the Jewish Messiah. I believe He is coming back and will establish His Kingdom. Through faith I, as a Gentile, am grafted in to the true olive tree. "And if some of the branches were broken off, and you, being a wild olive tree, were grafted in among them, and with them became a partaker of the root and fatness of the olive tree" (Rom 11:17).  By faith, I am a child of Abraham (Rom 4:16). In essence I am adopted into the blessing promised to Abraham.

Followers of Yeshua are a sect of Judaism, “But this I confess to you, that according to the Way which they call a sect, so I worship the God of my fathers, believing all things which are written in the Law and in the Prophets" (Acts 24:14). Acts 28:22 makes the same reference to this new sect of Judaism, and Acts 24:5 calls this new sect the Nazarenes. A new sect as were the sects called Pharisees, Sadducees, Herodians, and Essenes. Different groups within accepted Judaism.  Not unlike today with the Hasidics, Orthodox, Reformed, and Liberal Jews; and you can toss in the Zionists and Zealots as well. We know there are lots of sects of Protestantism and, it seems, new ones are added all the time. Adding a new sect called the Nazerens to the overall Jewish community would not be that unusual at that time.

We should also note that the Apostle Paul, as a follower of Yeshua (Jesus), is still believing in, and thus obedient to, Torah and the Prophets. Paul is still Jewish. Paul was a Messianic Jew. I am a Messianic Gentile. A follower of Messiah. A part of the "Way" spoken of in Acts 24:14. I live in expectation of Messiah's return and the establishment of His kingdom. I am His Child. According to Acts, a member of the sect called the Nazarenes. Does that make me a Christian? In its simple definition, "Christ Follower" or "Christ imitator", that is true. So where does the discomfort come for a growing number of His followers?

Just a little shot of History. One of the most influential early church fathers was, Ignatius. He lived in the first century. He was Greek by heritage but became a follower of Jesus. He was one of the strongest proponents of the new term "Christian" to describe the followers of Jesus.  He writes this in one of his letters. "It is monstrous to talk of Jesus Christ and to practice Judaism. For Christianity did not believe in Judaism, but Judaism in Christianity" — Ignatius to the Magnesians 8:1, 9:1-2. To be a Christian means you MUST abandon any Jewish practice or custom. Apparently what the Apostle Paul did was "Monstrous", as he continued to believe in Torah and the Prophets. 

It takes little effort to check history to discover two things. One, the early church fathers were almost all Hellenistic Romans. And two, they were anti-Semitic. By the time the Council of Laodicea meets, in 633 AD, the edict written to all "Christians" is that if they observe the Sabbath or any Jewish practice they are anathema, cursed and damned. The word Christian was used to separate "Christians" from Jews. Soon the church was seen to replace Judaism as God's Chosen People. We are subliminally told that God has rejected the Jews. Soon the Roman Church would emerge with its own traditions ad regulations. People would be compelled to be Christians. Those free from Judaism, the Law, Sabbath and the Word of God. Instead they were bound to new rules administered by a new hierarchy not to be questioned, a select group who would tell you what to believe and what the Scriptures said. 

But Christianity does not end there. Welcome the Reformation and freedom from Roman Catholic traditions and authority. The reformers, Luther, Calvin, Huss, Zwingli and others would bring new freedom and a new Christianity. Unfortunately many, Luther in particular, were antisemitic. This new brand of Christian is free from the Roman Church, the Pope, the manufactured ordinances that needed to be reformed. In due time the new Protestant Christians had their own traditions. But now free to interpret the Scriptures for themselves split into over 30,000 distinct flavors. Now Christians are free from the Law, free from Moses, free from authority, free to believe what they want, free to interpret God's Word as the choose. Christians are free, so like the people of Judges, "Every man does what is right in his own eyes". 

Christians have little or no relationship to Judaism. Not to Sabbath, dietary regulations, Torah, Moses or the Prophets. We follow a Jewish Messiah void of Judaism, something that is absolutely contrary to the Scriptures and the first followers of Yeshua, Messiah, Jesus. If Christians are indeed fully separated from Judaism, then there is nothing for me to be grafted into. History makes me uncomfortable with my label. I tend to tell people that I am a follower of Christ. I have tried, "I am a follower of Yeshua" but people get confused or their eyes glaze over, so Christ Follower works. It is the meaning of the word and what I believe. I use the word within my circle of "Christian" believers for it is cumbersome to explain this every time. Most live with an appreciation for our Jewish roots. But the vast majority of Christians give it no thought. The nearly 2000 year effort to separate Christ Followers from our roots is grievous to me. We have little regard for our heritage. We have built walls to keep Jews out or to let them know they must be grafted into the church. They must forsake the teachings of Moses and the honoring of the Sabbath to be a part of us. What happened to Gentile believers being grafted into Judaism? Few would ever make the mistake of the First Century Caesars in thinking that Gentile followers of Christ were Jews. They persecuted them both, for they could not tell them apart.

Can you say, "No I am not a Christian, because the term carries little meaning culturally or historically." Is it Okay to say, "I am a Messianic Gentile, A follower of Yeshua. An adopted child of Abraham. A wild branch grafted into the true Olive Tree." Can you say, "No, I am not a Christian." because you reject the "Christian" label. Can you use another label and still be in God's Kingdom?

Messianic Gentile? Maybe the label is more accurate than most would want to believe.   

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

My Trampoline Died

It is sad but true, our trampoline has come to the end of its life. It has served our family for something like 12 years. It has been bounced on by myself, my children and my grandchildren, not to mention more of my children's friends than I could list. It has served as a launching pad to get on the shed and a landing platform when doing flips off of the shed. It has provided a place to sleep on and even to hold a pop up tent so my campers didn't have to deal with the hard ground. But its time has passed. The tabs holding the springs are tearing and the fabric is deteriorating. So it will soon find its way to the land fill and the metal will someday be a Kia. 

It is like the rest of the world we live in. Tainted by death and deterioration. It is hard to avoid the reminders that come our way. Death is a strange thing to me. I do not understand it or really know what to do with it. We were not created to die. When God made us He made us to live. "God breathed into man's nostrils the breath of life and man became a living being" (Gen. 2:7). But Sin entered and now death touches everything. There is an odd tension concerning death in the Scriptures. Paul points out, "to live is Christ and to die is gain" (Phil. 1:21). Yet he knows that living is a good thing for those around him. John tells us in his Revelation of Messiah that "Death and the grave were cast into the lake of fire" (Rev. 20:14). Death will be removed. Like Satan, death is our enemy. We do not need to fear it, but it is not our friend. It is an affront to all God began. Even our Lord, when contemplating the pain and agony, wished that it would not be so, but cried "Not My will but Thy will be done" (Mt. 28). By the way, this really baffles me. The Divine dying? Conquering death makes sense to me as He is life and gives life and began life, but the dying part............??? 

I understand that there are times when the suffering ends and going to be with the Lord is a great release. I have been to memorials that are a celebration of the life of the one past. But death is still so wrong to me. The aging process that is unavoidable. The "putting down" of my faithful trampoline because the enemy called death takes his toll on everything. But this is the reality we face.

Paul tells the Corinthians that death has lost its sting and the grave has lost its victory. I will have a new body that will not suffer the deterioration this one is undergoing. To be "absent with the body is to be present with the Lord" is true, however all this seems to be pretty clouded to me. Now don't misunderstand. I do not fear death. (A bit apprehensive about aging and not being able to provide for my beloved wife. The no Social security, no retirement, no real savings thing haunts me a little, but not death) Fear of dying is not the issue, fear of missing life is.

Life is a gift. My daughter is expecting. I was asked if I hoped it was a boy this time. Sorry, no expectations or wishes here. Just amazement that the God who created the universe is forming and knitting together this tiny being in my daughters womb. Awestruck at the thought. Every day, every breath is a gift. Each day is filled with new mercies from God ( Lam. 3:22-23). Our enemy, death, wants to rob us of that reality. I woke up yesterday early and captured a moment as I watched Debbie sleep peacefully beside me. This remarkable being, this creation of God, resting comfortably in the gift of sleep that is also a gift and God's design. Thoughts wandered to how blessed I am. In His divine mercy this woman loves me, and has been my soul mate and my greatest earthly treasure for over 37 years. Life is a gift. I would have liked the moment to last. It reminded me of other moments when one of the little lives given to my stewardship would rest comfortably nestled in my arms. Well, yes, that has been a few years but now granddaughters occasionally fill the gap. Life. 

In the harried pace we live, do we miss the daily mercies? Do we take time to just savor the reality of breathing, knowing that it was God's very breath that gave us life to begin with? Take ten minutes, a few times a day and soak in the reality of the God who loves you. Revel in His creation. Be aware that death wants to take life from you long before your final breath. Take it away little by little, moment by moment, day by day. 

We have responsibilities, work, all the things we have to do and many are not really optional. But we do have the option to pause. To stop for a moment and hold life. Treasure the moment. Bask in His mercy. He gave it to you fresh this morning so don't miss it. Don't let the day go by and allow death to win. Death surrounds us. It tries to immerse us in its gray mist of activity and deadlines. Hmmmmmm dead lines. Perhaps right now you need a life line and He is there who gave you life. He said something about abundant life, not living in the shadow of death every day. Take time to live, to enjoy the gift. Don't let the enemy win today. Celebrate life and then you can say goodbye to the trampoline.  

Friday, September 5, 2014

Proclaiming Less than the Gospel

Mark 16:15 " Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature." A straight forward command of our Lord just before He departed and returned to glory. But what is the gospel? For many it is that Jesus died for your sins and that if you believe that or accept Him as Savior you will be saved from hell and have eternal life in heaven with Him. And that is true, at least it could be true. For now you have to define believe or what it is to have faith. Belief or faith is not a mental choice; it is a change in direction for your entire being. It includes obedience and being a disciple or, according to James, it is not faith at all. From this is the issue of what it is to obey and how do I know. All good questions, rabbit trails to chase another day. The question I face in this blog is what we leave out when it comes to sharing the Gospel or Good News Jesus told us to share. Are we robbing those we talk to by not sharing all of the good news?

The word translated "gospel" in the New Testament is euagelizo, which is where we get the word evangelize or evangelical. It means good news or glad tidings, or in a verbal sense, as proclaiming the good news. It is rarely used with salvation but often used in reference to the Kingdom. The good news is that God's Kingdom is coming and we can be a part of that Kingdom. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are called the Gospels, for they are the record of the "Good News" that Messiah has come and He has conquered death and will establish His Kingdom, among a host of other things. This is, indeed, good news. Paul writes to the Corinthians, " For I delivered to you first of all that which I also received: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures" 1 Corinthians 15:3 - 4. Paul's primary message concerns the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus, Messiah. However, that is not Paul's only message and it is not all of the Gospel or Good News. In fact, the letters of the New Testament all have one thing in common. That is the need for unity in the community of believers.

The Good News we are to proclaim is not about an isolated intellectual faith or belief in an event in history. It is not about an isolated event in my life when I chose (or was elected for you reformed folk) to believe and thus began a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The Good News is more than that. In writing to the Ephesians Paul tells us Gentiles the good news that, "We who were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ". We have been brought into God's Kingdom. Grafted in. Made part of the Body of believers. We are a living stone, a part of a temple with other living stones being built together to the glory of God. We are not isolated. We are not alone.  I am not the only one in God's Kingdom. I am a citizen among many citizens with the privileges and responsibilities that go with that remarkable Good News. I belong.

The Good New Paul, Peter, James, John, the writer to the Hebrews all proclaim is that we are together in this. Every individual who receives Christ as Savior is, at that moment, a part of God's Kingdom, His Body, His temple, The assembly in His fellowship with other believers. God likes to remind us of this with "one another's" in His Scriptures. In Romans alone we are told to be kindly affectionate to one another, to be of the same mind,to love, to not judge, to edify, to be like minded with patience and comfort, to receive, admonish and greet one another. Check out the Blue letter Bible to see the full number of "one another's" that we are commanded to do. A brief look showed most to be imperatives, so these are not "feel good" suggestions; these are things the Lord expects us to do. Now how can we do any of these things alone?

The additional gospel or good news here is that these are reciprocal. One another demands that I do all this for you and you do all these things for me. We are not isolated beings; we belong to one another as much as we belong to Christ who is the Head of the Body. Single cells or single parts of the body do not survive well or function as they should without the rest of the body. Paul makes this abundently clear in 1 Cor 12. If you prefer building illustrations then see the living stones in 1 Peter 2. A stone isolated from the rest of the building is no more than rubble on the side of the road. That is not God's intention. That is not God's design. That is not the gospel. To have an isolated, personal relationship with Christ is not found in Scripture, Yes, there are times when we have to stand alone and when circumstances will isolate us from other believers but that is not to be the norm. The Gospel is that, through Christ I have forgiveness, eternal life AND that I am a part of His Kingdom, a part of His Body, a living stone in His temple. That is the Good News.

So when you present the gospel, do you hope they will "pray the prayer" and receive Jesus. Or do you also explain that receiving Christ also means becoming a part of a community. A part of a body of fellow believers. They will not be alone but a citizen of God's Kingdom. The good news of the gospel is that by accepting Jesus I am accepting the privileges and responsibilities to be a "one another" follower of Jesus. Because to accept Jesus as Savior and Lord means you are a part of His Body. There are no other options.