If you have been following my past few posts we have been looking a bit at the spiritual realm. Those, mostly hidden, creatures that both honor their creator and rebel against Him. In some ways they have a common trait or two with those of the human and material existence. Scripture tells us they are there. It warns us of the dark spirit's desire to embezzle our lives and leave us empty and useless. It also tells of the spirits of light who comfort, intercede and minister to the saints. Ephesians 6:12 reminds us that we do not fight against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers and rulers of this dark age. There is an ongoing battle between light and darkness and it pervades our very souls whether we recognize the battle or not. So we must be discerning and test the spirits (1 John 4:1) so we are not deceived when the dark ones come disguised in light.
However, there is more going on than just these truths. The spirits are watching us. They are watching you and they are watching me. Both the angelic being of light who serve Yahweh and the saints as well as the emissaries of darkness and the agents of the night. We may not be aware but we are on display. The question is what do they see? Just what do the spirits think of you? It is a question worth pursuing for it is one that God presents in His Word. So I ask again, what do the spirits think of you? Does it really matter?
Yahweh's angelic messengers keep watch over us (Psalm 91:11). They minister to those who are heirs of salvation (Heb. 1:14). They watch over children (Mt. 18:10). We might entertain them unawares (Heb. 13:2). All pretty cool thoughts. However, they also look upon us with wonder. I Peter 1:12b, " things which now have been reported to you through those who have
preached the gospel to you by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven—things
which angels desire to look into." Peter is speaking of the wonder of the death and resurrection of Messiah, God's plan to deliver us and to bring us into His kingdom. Peter says God's angels "desire", a strong word also translated to lust or covet or long for. Angels desire to "look", to inspect carefully, to become acquainted with, what God has done for us as human beings. They watch us and marvel at the love their God and Lord has for us. They cannot know redemption as we do. Messiah did not die for them.
They know us well. They have from the very beginning. The were there in Eden
when we were cast out from the garden. They know of our disobedience.
They have been messengers of hope and God's instruments of judgement in
the past and they will be in the future. One of them observed the pain Messiah endured awaiting the cross. He saw his Master and Creator sweat blood as he comforted and strengthened Him in the garden (Luke 22:43). The holy angels know of our rebellion. So they marvel at the love Yahweh and His Son have for us. It is simply beyond their comprehension. They observe us. Just what do they see? Yeshua tells us they express joy in heaven when we repent (Luke 15:10). So is it reasonable to assume we grieve them with our sin and rebellion?
The angels of darkness also observe us. They battle against us, as we read in Ephesians 6. With God's permission, they have the power to touch our lives with pain and sorrow and even death. See the Book of Job for the unsettling details. They are close enough to inflict mental distress, to cause us to doubt. Satan accuses us before the Lord (Rev. 12:10). None of these are very pleasant thoughts, but then again Satan is not a pleasant creature. However, there is something powerful we can do. Something I had not considered until last week. Ephesians 3:10 is a remarkable verse, "to the intent that now the manifold wisdom of God might be made known by
the assembly to the principalities and powers in the heavenlies". The Principalities and powers in the heavenlies are not of flesh and blood.They are evil spirits, demons, powers of darkness. They are at war with us and want to destroy us. If not destroy they will embezzle our lives bit by bit and leave us feeling useless and despairing life itself. We are to put on the armor of God to combat them. However don't miss what 3:10 says. God's manifold wisdom is in calling us (in the context, Jews and Gentiles) to be united and citizens together of God's Kingdom. As the evil spirits observe we can testify of the greatness, power, and wonder of God. We are active witnesses to them by our active love for one another and our loving obedience to Yahweh and His Son, our Messiah.
If he is known as our accuse the Devil must still come before the Lord to bring accusations against humanity. Can the Lord can say, "Have you considered my servant Bob, or Alice, or Joe or Margaret or, __________ (just insert your name here)? You and I are God's witnesses to Satan and the principalities and powers of this dark world. We testify as to the greatness of God by our love for Him. Remembering, "If you love me you will keep my commandments" (John 14:15). Likewise, when we love one another we show the world that we are His disciples (John 13:35) and it appears the unseen world observes as well. Your testimony, your witness, goes beyond this world. Not only do your friends, family, co-workers and neighbors see your witness, the spirit beings do as well. It seems that God's angelic servants look upon us with wonder at the great love God has for us. It is also true that the spirits of darkness look upon us and see God's magnificent wisdom when they observe our love for Him and one another.
Each day the spirits observe you. The angels marvel at the grace poured out upon you and wish they could know, could experience, what we know and experience. The spirits of darkness are looking to accuse, looking for the rebellion they know so well. What will our witness, our testimony be to them? Loving obedience or will we be playing their game?
What do the spirits think of you?
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