It is reasonable to assume that to make disciples you need to first to be a disciple.
The words translated disciple, in both the Hebrew and the Greek, indicate one who is a learner, a student, one who is taught by teacher even a master. It comes with the expectation that the student will emulate the teacher. Discipleship describes the disciplined life of a follower. You cannot be a casual follower and claim to be a disciple. "Then Jesus said to His disciples,'If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me" (Mt 16:24). Self denial and death to self are Yeshua's requirements for discipleship.
I know this. I have known this for a long time. Following the Savior takes discipline and requires me to live a disciplined life. Much of the time I do not do too badly, at least in the bigger things. However, in the nitty grittey areas of life I don't really want to be a disciple. I know that if I get up and hit the gym early I just have a better, more productive day. A disciplined person would go to the gym, and I do, sometimes. Sugar is bad for me. It adds weight and bothers my sciatic nerve. Caffeine has a similar effect. So a disciplined person would avoid the call of the "no bean caffeine" beverages that are saturated with sugar. I rationalize succumbing to the call of the carbonated dispenser as the bottled water is $1.50 and the 44 oz plastic mug is only $.99. And if I bring back the glass it is only $.49! A good steward of the finances God has given should go with the "no bean caffeine" every time. Right? Sigh. To be honest these are just a couple of the things highlighting my lack of discipline. Believe it or not, I still get irritated with slow drivers on 17M and fast drivers on Greycourt Road. I want to tell those people with fifty items in the ten item line how impolite and annoying they are. I don't even want to get started on the list of people with undisciplined children or those who "graze" as they walk through the produce areas sampling the grapes and strawberries as they go.
One of the first verses I memorized, over forty years ago, was Galatians 5:22-23, "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness,faithfulness,gentleness, self-control, against such things there is no law." I encourage others to add this to their memory as well. A disciple of Yeshua, indwelt by the Spirit of God should display the Spirit's fruit. Right? So why do I act unloving, get impatient, lack joy, and choose to ignore the other aspects of the Spirit's fruit? This is not the mark of a disciplined follower. I do not think I am alone. but that offers little comfort. I don't like denying myself or dying to myself and submitting to the Master and His teachings. Well, you know, nobody's perfect. Like that really is the acceptable answer. The "prone to wander" discipleship program can't be found in God's Word. I am so grateful for grace. However, that cannot be a life's excuse for lack of discipline. The concept of a lifetime of being a disciplined disciple of Messiah is a bit imposing. It is more than I want to consider today. Yet, I know that life is in Him alone. It was Yeshua who said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the father except through me" (Jn 14:6). I need to follow His way and obey His truth if I want life. No real discipline, no real life.
The wonderful truth about the Lord is that He knows I am but dust. I am fallen and in need of revival. He gives me strength day by day. He empowers me to avoid the land of "no bean caffeine" if I will listen. The issue for me is that the lack of discipline in the simple areas erodes the bigger things in my life. life often isn't lost in big chunks but in those little moments of indiscipline. However it can also be revived in the moment to moment fellowship through obedience to the Lord. In the moment He can rescue me from the land of "no bean caffeine" and give me self control. I really do want to be His disciple. I do want to live a disciplined life ................ well, much of the time. I suppose I will always battle the subtle call to the land of "no bean caffeine". However He assures me that will not always be the case. I take comfort in Philippians 1:6, "For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus." He has not given up on me so I guess I just need to walk away from the carbonation dispenser and fill my 44oz mug with water. Discipleship takes a lifetime. How goes your journey?
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