The Master's response to the question in Matthew 22:37-38 seems pretty straight forward, "Jesus said unto him, You shalt love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.This is the first and great commandment." First priority is to love God with all you have. However, there my be more here that we first see. The man asks, "What is the great commandment" Great, the Greek, megas, meaning largest, most encompassing, that of rank or importance. The biggest commandment of God could mean that of importance or how much it includes. The Master, Yeshua, responds explaining "the first and great". Loving God is the first, protos, meaning primary or in a position of honor and megas largest, this is the primary and most encompassing commandment. However the Master is not yet finished with the answer.
“And second, like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself" (Matthew 22:39). This seems clear as well. Number one commandment is love God. Number two commandment is love your neighbor. Or is it? The word second, the Greek deuteros, does mean second but it also means the other of two. Yeshua says it is "like" the Greek, homoios, meaning similar or corresponding to. Possibly the second matching part of the command to "love God" is the corresponding "love your neighbor". Is the first commandment so large and encompassing it includes the second rather than being in some sort of divine pecking order? Oh the joy of being an American and steeped in Western, Greek thought and culture.
John explains in 1 John 4:20,"If someone says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen, how can he love God whom he has not seen?" You see, commandment number one is intimately connected to commandment number two.You honestly cannot separate them. Hebraic thought, the way the Master, Jesus, thought, sees life and thought fully integrated. As did those other Hebrew writers like Moses, David, Isaiah, Matthew, John, Paul and Peter. Those of us who are immersed in American/Western thought and culture like to compartmentalizes everything. We compartmentalize the LORD who is One into Father, Son and Spirit who have some distinctions but are far more an integrated One than a separated trinity. We do the same with ourselves, separating body, soul and spirit more that we see our beings as integrated. Take a minute and consider this. Yeshua, Jesus, told us to fast, meaning to not eat for a time, not to live life in overdrive. So does fasting affect your physical being or your spiritual being? Does it involve the soul, as in your mind, will and emotions or just your physical person? Oh, it touches all aspects of who you are? Almost, like God designed you to be an integrated being where every aspect of who you are touches every other aspect. Hmmmm. I wonder if this is true in other areas of life?
I do not mean to cause you greater angst in your life but the artificial divisions we practice can wreak havoc with who God intends you to be. There is no spiritual and temporal you, just you. Our life's priorities are an illusion of Western thought. Everything you do and think has an impact on every other area of your life. God did not design you to be bits and pieces of a human machine with interchangeable parts. You cannot have loving God as a priority if you do not have loving your neighbor as a priority. The job you choose to take, the place you choose to live, even the assembly of believers you may choose to fellowship with will impact every aspect of your life. For your body and soul and spirit cannot be itemized and boxed separately. Choices have consequences in every aspect of every part of the thing you call life.
Let's conclude as the Master did back in Matthew 22:40, "On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.” On these two corresponding, all encompassing, similar commandments, "hang", the Greek kremannymi, meaning to hang from, connect to, or summed up by. So all the teaching and instructions of God are connected. Does this mean to "love God" encompasses all of this? Well, the Master, Jesus did say, “If you love Me, keep My commandments" (John 14:15). What is the great commandment? Perhaps it is to have an integrated life integrated into Messiah and the Father by the power of the Spirit where the artificial boarders of my life are melted into His. Not an easy way to prioritize your life list but perhaps it is the way He intends us to live. Give it some thought or maybe you can add it to your list.
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