Do you seek after pleasure? Pleasure is one of those words sort of co-opted by the world and Greek thought. Pleasure is often associated with some sort of sensuality or passion. With that ingrained into our thought patterns we who have chosen to follow Messiah shun such pride and pleasure. After all we know that, "God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble" (James 4:6). Doesn't the feeling of pleasure border on pride? I mean, isn't getting a sense of pleasure in accomplishment robbing God of His glory? It is all supposed to be about Him, right? Isn't the feeling of pleasure in contradiction to that? There are those God ordained times of feeling pleasure in the confines of the covenant of marriage, but, what about the rest of life?
In my forty plus years of ministry it is my observation that much of the time we, as followers of Christ, struggle with the pleasure thing. Many of us carry the darkness of worldly pleasures that scarred us in a life before we knew Messiah. Occasionally haunted by pleasures we would like to forget we find protection in avoiding pleasure all together. There is the "Joy of the Spirit" that we are allowed to enjoy. However, the truth is, that joyful experience is hard to grasp, explain, and hold onto. What does God think of pleasure?
To begin with God designed us to know and experience pleasure. From the depths of emotional intimacy to the day to day reality of life with Him, pleasure is in God's plan. The Greek word charis is often translated "grace". We know that God is gracious and that "By grace you are saved, it is a gift of God" (Eph. 2:8). Also we are to be, "to the praise of the glory of His grace, by which He made us accepted in the beloved" (Eph. 1:6). We know that He is the source of this grace for, "the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, ... full of grace and truth" (John 1:14). Grace is undeserved favor from God.What we may not realize is that pleasure is also a possible translation for charis. Charis is that which affords joy, pleasure, delight, sweetness, charm, loveliness, as well as favor, bounty and benefit. The "undeserved favor" is a little shallow as a definition, even though it is true. One who understands grace should also understand and share in the pleasure of God.
If you add just a little ending to charis you end up with charisma the word translated as "gift". God has supernaturally graced you with abilities for mutual pleasure with Him. Be it service, giving, leadership, hospitality, faith, teaching, or any of the Spiritual gift you find in the Scriptures, you have been graced by the Lord to possess them. God has also graced us with talents and abilities. Talents are abilities that are simply a part of how God designed you. Be it music, writing, woodworking, art, you simply "have a knack". The talent can be refined with instruction However, you are just adding some polish to what is already there. Abilities are things learned, like adding and subtracting. Whether supernaturally given, innately a part of our design or learned, they are all gifts from God. They all afford the opportunity to experience His pleasure.
Let us be honest for a moment. Have you ever,written, composed, drawn, baked, built, or sung something and the thought comes to your head, "Whoa, that was really good." or "That looks amazing." Then felt just a twinge of guilt for your self glorification? "Wait a minute, this is supposed to be about God, I can't take credit for this." Maybe. However, maybe what you just experienced is the pleasure of God in what He has done in you. I know there is always a danger of being arrogant and self absorbed, however, I believe we need to leave room for the gracious pleasure God grants us to experience. There are times when I write something and say to myself, "That is really good." I have begun to listen to the still small voice in my spirit that says, "You're right, that was good."
I have five children all talented, gifted, and having differing abilities. I feel pleasure in seeing them use these abilities that have been graciously bestowed upon them by the God who loves them. I feel pleasure in their art, music, writing, vocals, deep thoughts, and exuberant expressions of joy. Why would I think my Heavenly Father would feel less about me? God has given me all things to enjoy, to take pleasure in. How dry we make our "prideless" lives to be. Are we missing the shared pleasure in what our Creator has graced upon us?
I may be wrong but I believe God finds pleasure in seeing me use the gifts, talents,and abilities He has graced upon me. I believe it is okay for me to share in that pleasure. There are times I really like what I write. Not boasting and no pride intended. I just feel His pleasure. What do you feel when you use your gifts?
Yes I agree with you Paul. We should enjoy what God has given us. Whether its in nature, our families (including beautiful grand children, music or the work of our own hands.