Tomorrow is election day here in the USA. The question one could ask is, "Does God know who will win?" This thought can apply to most any situation. Perhaps the more compelling question is, "Does God ordain who will win?" Whether it is a political contest, some military conflict, the World Cup or some other sporting event. Just how much does God control? As believers we often fine solace in the phrase, "At least we know God is in control." A true statement and a place to find comfort in the midst of whatever storms of life we may find ourselves. We understand God to be sovereign, Who will always accomplish His will. This is also true, however, I have observed this to be an excuse to avoid responsibility as much as a theological reality to hold to. If God is in ultimate control, than what decisions and actions I take have little consequence. I can go through life avoiding taking action and rest in His sovereignty while building up immunity to the conviction of His Spirit.
This is not what we find in Scripture. God does indeed know outcomes but He grants us the freedom and responsibility to take action. It is clear that there are more than one possible outcomes to events based upon our actions. The intervention of human beings in tangible situations changes things. If not then our relationship with Yahweh is a sham. "The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much." Or so James tells us (James 5:16). The only way fervent prayer avails much is if there is a response from the one prayed to, allowing for change to occur. In 2 Kings 13, Elisha comes to King Joash and tells him to strike the ground with some arrows. Joash strikes the ground three times. Elisha rebukes him for the striking f the ground represents victories God would grant him over Israel's enemies. God will give the victories, however, Joash is responsible for how many. There are a number of possible outcomes depending upon Joash. God does not make Joash stop after striking the ground only three times.
God had promised judgement upon Judah for their terrible sin. His judgement is withheld for a time due to the righteous actions of King Josiah (see 2 Kings 23). We can point to Abraham's intervention for Sodom or Moses being an advocate for the Nation of Israel on numerous occasions. The whole concept of prayer is contingent on the reality of diverse outcomes to different circumstances. If this is not so then there is no reason to pray for healing or direction if God has predetermined the outcome. In the bigger picture God will use whatever path that is chosen to accomplish His ultimate will. Yet, in the day to day reality we live in the decisions we make truly do matter. The kindness we show or withhold will grant different outcomes. A witness to a neighbor, friend or coworker may not change their view of God immediately, however, it does not mean we are not responsible to share a word. The excuse that, in the sovereignty of God, they will hear the truth eventually does not excuse our inaction. God's will can be accomplished down some other path but, you had a choice to direct the path to be taken at the time.
In the election facing the USA tomorrow, I believe God knows the outcome, I also believe there are two possible paths we can take. The choice is ours to make. The consequences are ours to bear. Both candidates are flawed. Some would say more so than in any time in recent history. However, the two main choices represent two distinct philosophies of governing. More or less Government control or our lives. The opportunity for the next president to place judges on the Supreme Court will have repercussions for a generation or longer. Things in God's Word could be labeled "hate speech" and become illegal to preach. Education in a home or private setting could fall under the control of a federal agency who will determine what can be taught to another generation. I am not an alarmist or a conspiracy nut, however, I am aware of the regulations placed by other governments who have chosen the path of government control. There will be consequences no matter what choices are made.
Will God still be in charge after the election? Of course. Just as He was when Portugal won the World Cup. The ramifications in this election just have the potential to be far more important than a sporting event. As believers we can trust in the sovereign hand of God to keep us and to bring about the Lord's will. There is the distinct possibility that His judgement upon a wayward and ever growing Godless nation can be withheld or accelerated. The path is ours to choose. As one looks at the prophetic passages of Scripture there is a clear absence of a reference to the USA. Perhaps it is because we are not a nation of consequence upon the events of the final days before Messiah's return. Perhaps that is the path we are choosing. That is a thought to be considered in a future post. Today's thought is the truth that we have choices to make and paths to follow that will determine God's activity in our midst. My hope is that fervent prayer will come before His throne of grace and that it will avail much on behalf of the nation I live in. For the sake of my children, my grandchildren, my beloved flock I shepherd, my community and even the world. Would you pause and offer a prayer to the sovereign God of the universe?
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