We live in a world and culture where some choose to not believe. They may reject aspects of what you believe or perhaps they have determined to disallow the very existence of God. That is their choice. However, that is often not enough for them. They seem to have some odd compulsion to try to convince you that your faith must be wrong or without any logical rationale. The question often asked is, "If God is good why is there evil in the world?" Or, "If there is a God who made everything why is everything in such a mess?" They are usually not open to the explanation that God, in His love and grace, made us free agents to make choices. Some of those are good choices and some are bad or evil choices. It is not God's fault when we make poor decisions with troubling consequences. Ahh but then comes the, "If God did make us why didn't He make it so we could only make good choices?" The conclusion is that either God is not good or He is not powerful enough to make people and a world where only good exists.
We could point to Exodus 34:6, "And the LORD passed before him and proclaimed, “The LORD, the LORD God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abounding in goodness and truth." Here is a list of character traits for God. He is merciful, gracious, longsuffering, good and true. We can quote passages that tell us He is creator from Genesis one or that Titus 3:4 says, "when the kindness and the love of God our Savior toward man appeared", letting us know God is our savior. It is true that God's word is powerful, Isaiah 55:11 assures us that, "So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return to Me void." Paul reminds us that, "So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God" (Romans 10:17). It is important to use the Word of God in defense of His truth. However, for those who have already rejected the revelation God has given, it means little to them. Scripture offers no satisfying answer to one who comes to argue that your faith is baseless. We can move to a more philosophical approach where God is the initial mover or the great designer which accounts for the complexity of life and our very bodies. Yet, this still does not answer the question.
If those who question or deny God's existence feel the freedom to challenge our beliefs. then isn't it reasonable for us to also be able to challenge their beliefs? If one rejects the truth of God's existence and His revealed communication to us in His Word they are likely a believer in evolution. That would mean we are evolving beings moving toward a higher plane of existence. The universe, the earth, the living things on the planet and how they relate to one another should be in a gradual process of refinement. We should be moving in an upward direction toward an improved reality. Everything should be slowly changing to become more efficient, better adapted to the environment and in greater harmony with each other and nature. If their theory is true, we should be on a gradual but measurable path toward perfection with the passing millenniums. If this is not what we see, perhaps it is time to challenge what they hold to be true. Maybe we need to occasionally stop defending our faith and play a little offense and challenge what they hold to be true.
If evolutionary science, be it physical or social, is true, then we should be becoming more civil, more tolerant, more resistant to disease and more united as social beings. If we are continuing in this remarkable evolutionary upward spiral our social interaction should be improving. There should be fewer wars and a reduction in atrocities. Is this the reality we live in? Perhaps the "survival of the fittest" aspect of evolutionary theory comes into play here. However, if that is the answer, then they should rejoice over the extinction of any creature or plant. This simply would prove the progression and refining of the species. An observable collection of data within the social structures that have evolved upon this planet demonstrate that the theory may be flawed. We do not seem to be getting better. We see more strife, war, poverty, and violence. Humanity seems almost out of control and unable to resolve its own issues. Those who deny the divine can point to religion as responsible for much of the horror that has plagued the world. This is a hollow argument, for all religious belief systems would be a product of social evolution. Rather than progressive beings it appears that if the theory of evolution is true then you are nothing more than a pawn tossed about at the whim of natural selection. There seems to be little tangible evidence of the positive refining of humanity heading up the evolutionary ladder.
However, there is an alternative theory. One where there is a divine creator that made humanity and the world we live in. One where the divine entity gave His creation the ability to make choices. Good ones and bad ones. Where humanity was called to cultivate and protect the rest of creation. To have a divine command to protect endangered species from evolutionary extinction. An ordained social structure where good is rewarded and evil is punished. A social order where mankind can choose to follow the creators design or reject it and reap the consequences. A world where this divine being revealed Himself to us and actually took on humanity and walked among us to give us direction and instruction as how to best live while still respecting our ability to choose. A world where, in spite of how things appear, this knowable divine being will only let us degenerate so far before He intervenes and acts with righteous justice upon all of His creation.
So there are two basic theories before us. One believes that a knowable, divine being created us with the ability to choose and continues to respect that ability given to us. He offers hope and an eventual time where all of humanity and all that lives on planet earth will live in harmony. Where species do not exterminate each other and where humanity prospers in peace. The other may work out if anything survives the next million years and evolves into the social order and care for the planet God designed from the beginning.
You have the freedom to choose.
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