
Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Are You a Misfit Reindeer?

Spring has come to New York. The forsythia are in bloom and I began the season of lawn mowing just a few nights ago. With all the blossoms, bursting greenery and tree pollen My thoughts turned to ......... Rudolf. You remember, that Red Nosed Reindeer from a few months ago. In my years of interaction with people, especially evangelical believers, I have found that a great many feel like Rudolf. This little song tied to the Santa tradition is an awful song. The TV animation only serves to amplify how bad the message of the song really is. What we learn is that those who are different, outside the accepted norm, are unacceptable. Be they reindeer, dentist elves or misfit toys, if you do not fit in with what society demands you are not welcome. You cannot be a part of the games, you are fair game to be insulted, bullied and ostracized. Your only hope to be accepted is to prove you have worth. You must demonstrate the  you can perform in some way to be seen as having value. If you do not you do not belong, you will never be accepted, loved, or valued. It is a devastatingly lonely place to be.

What is true of reindeer, dentist elves, and misfit toys is true for the rest of us as well.We who hold that the Scriptures are the revealed truth and will of God often have some of the greatest issues of acceptance. We hold a remarkable ability to compartmentalize truth, thus putting God's Word out of balance. When I was a new believer I took a few evangelism classes. We learned to let people know that, "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). And that, “There is none righteous, no, not one" (Romans 3:10). Isaiah says, "But we are all like an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are like filthy rags" ( Isaiah 64:6). And, "The wages of sin is death" (Romans 6:23). We are helpless, hopeless, depraved, and incapable of doing anything positive or good. That, of course, changes when we receive Christ. Though, even then, we are often reminded of how unworthy we really are.  Even the hymn Amazing Grace reminds us that we are just unacceptable worms. Many believers still see themselves as misfit reindeer longing for acceptance.

In our effort to challenge one another to live holy lives that are pleasing to God, we may leave things out of balance. Confronted regularly by our own failures we may find ourselves feeling like we are still on the outside. We are still those marked more by failure rather than one of the beloved of God. We are acutely aware that we still "fall short" and that our tainted righteousness still harbors the stench of those "filthy rags" . No one needs to remind us of our unworthiness, it haunts us with every sin that so easily besets us. We long for just twenty-four hours of purity in thought, rescued from irritation or anger. It would be such a joy to get through one day and not be reminded of how incredibly frail and fallen we are. "Victory in Jesus" is a nice hymn title but it is far from the reality we crave as we stumble along in the mire of our own creation.

In the midst of this, sometimes painful, journey, we need to be reminded of who else we are. David understood the depths of sin and the conviction that Yahweh can bring upon His wandering children, He also understood the amazing truth of who we are as those created by God. Psalm 139:14, "I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well." The Hebrew word, יָרֵא yare',translated "fearfully", carries the idea of being in awe. We have reverential fear for Yahweh, meaning we are in awe of His presence and person. David relates that the creative activity of God in forming a child in the womb is an awesome thing. Being knit together as a divine act from conception is amazing. Beyond that David also says we are "wonderfully" made. The Hebrew word here is, פָּלָה palah. It means to be to be distinct, be separated, be distinguished, to be unique. There has never been and never will be another you. From your fingerprints to your DNA you are a hand crafted creation of God. Even identical twins, who share the same DNA, have different fingerprints. In addition to our physical characteristics we have psychological, emotional, and mental uniqueness. And do not forget your personality, natural abilities, and gifts. Then, when receiving Christ as Lord and Savior, you are supernaturally empowered with a gift from the Holy Spirit. You are an essential part of the Body of Christ designed to do something in a way no one else can accomplish. You are an amazing creation of God Almighty. How marvelous is His work in you!

I do not mean to belittle sin or the ongoing struggle to be more like our Savior, however, you are amazing. It is the enemy of our soul who diminishes the awesome work of God in creating you in the womb. It is Satan who promotes the lie of "fetal tissue" that can be removed and discarded. You are not some happenstance mistake that evolved from some protein ooze over millions of years. NO! You were awesomely hand crafted as a unique and essential creation of God. So follow David's lead and rejoice, give God praise. Sit quietly in the loving arms of your heavenly Abba, Father and find rest and value for your soul. I am the father of five. I love my children dearly. They are not perfect and they occasionally fail. But, I have never stopped loving, never stopped forgiving, never ceased to be amazed at the wonder of who they are and who they are becoming. How could my Heavenly Father ever treat me with any less gentleness, acceptance, and yes, even look on me with a little wonder at what He has created?

You are fearfully, awesomely, wonderfully, uniquely, hand crafted by the God and Creator of the universe. Don't let anyone tell you differently. Not even yourself.     

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