When was the last time you carefully read and contemplated the "Heroes" of Hebrews 11? It is an amazing list and succinct account of so many faithful ones that have gone before us. Followers of Yahweh who trusted and obeyed. It seems there was no easy road for any of them. In spite of hardship and delayed promises they maintained their faithful journey with the Lord. Now we know they were flawed and often times broken examples of what it is to be Godly, yet the writer to the Hebrews reminds us that they were, overall, steadfast. Even though some were cut in two, or died yet waiting, they continued their walk with God.
I have never been asked to sacrifice my son on an alter, or look to a land promised but never received. I have never gone through the Red Sea with Egyptians in pursuit. I have never been tortured refusing deliverance so I would receive a better resurrection. I have never faced the mocking of a trial or been slain with a sword. I have been pretty comfortable in life, never destitute or really afflicted. I honestly like looking at all this from a safe distance. I do look at life as a treasure given by God, so it is His and not mine. I do have a faithful yet imperfect walk with my Savior and cannot imagine myself denying Him is some official court proceeding. I am blessed and encouraged by His Word and promises. I ponder what it will be like to wander the golden streets of a New Jerusalem. However, I must admit I have times of quiet discontent. It is a bit unreasonable when I see the way God answers and provides.
Perhaps you have moments like Abraham and I do. You know, Abraham that remarkable man of faith and faithfulness. Leaving the security of home to live as a Bedouin much of his life and passed on that Bedouin lifestyle to a few generations yet to come. The Abraham who looked at the practical reality of life and responded to God with, “You have given me no children; so a servant in my household will be my heir" (Genesis 15:3). God's promises seemed a bit out of reach. After all Abraham is in his later years and has a wife past child bearing years. God's answer is to promise Abraham that, after four generations, or 400 years, his descendants will inherit the land promised to Abraham. No children makes it hard to to be the "father of multitudes" and 400 years before the promise comes true is a long time to wait. Abraham will have become a part of the dust of the promised land before any of his, yet to be produced, off spring will lay claim to it. Waiting for God to do what is promised is not always easy. I do not like to wait.
I know that the Lord wants to build His church. He wants to see disciples made and His Word proclaimed. That seems pretty clear in the Scriptures. He has called me and given me a gift to teach. That also seems pretty clear both from my experience and the confirmation of others for some forty plus years. So, I study, pray, prepare and teach week by week. And wait for that increase that seems like it should come. I do not want to wait for the harvest to come four generations from now. I want to see many lives changed, souls delivered, families rescued and God's community of believers multiply soon. Today would be good. I admire the list in Hebrews eleven, I just do not want to be on that list. I want to see God move now. I empathize with Jabez and his cry for blessing and increased borders. I might feel blessed to know that generations from now God will move, however, my real desire is more of a right now today move on His part.
I trust in the God who delivered me and gave me life. I am blessed with a wife and children that love me and Him. I have seen God's hand move in the lives of many and have witnessed His healing power in the broken lives that often surround me. But, like Abraham, I wonder about the wait. I wonder about the timing of God's blessing. I am not excited to think of myself as the faithful servant of Hebrews eleven that never saw the fruition of his labor. I have, however, walked long enough to know this is not my call. It is His. And I am His and that is all that really matters. Still, today I feel more like Jabez of 1 Chronicles 4 than the Abraham of Hebrews eleven. Bigger borders of ministry now rather than in 400 years just sounds better to me.
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