
Tuesday, March 24, 2020

The Grace Pandemic

Are you living in the "last days"? As we face the growing pandemic called the, Covid 19 virus, I thought I would add to the social media pandemic concerning the times we live in. We are in an unusual time when we can share our concerns, our hope, our hysteria, our information and misinformation with the tap of a button. We can add a little humor through nifty memes and links to comedy clips about toilet paper. It is, indeed, a time like no other. The reality that this will pass in time is of little consolation for those who suffer the pain and loss brought about by the spreading disease.

I have noticed varying perspectives of those who believe in God and the ministry of His Son, our Savior and Messiah. Some ask the honest question, "Are we entering the Great Tribulation?" others wonder if this is God's judgement on the world or on a specific country, be it China, Italy, or the USA. There are scriptures both of comfort and promised annihilation posted on Facebook and Instagram to add to your angst or your serenity. You can pick and choose whatever scriptures you like and, with the help of the internet, find articles and scholars to support your point of view. I, for one, see this as a display of God's grace. Times of distress can cloud the truth that we have a continually gracious God. God is good, all the time, even in the midst of the spreading Covid 19 virus.

Let me explain. Hardship and even oppression often are evidence of the grace of God. It is never enjoyable and never desired, however, sometimes it is necessary for God's grace to be extended. The Israelites spent around 400 years in slavery where God allowed them to grow as a nation in spite of the animosity of Pharaoh. Why would they be left there? After all they were God's chosen people. In Genesis 15:16, in the midst of the promise to Abraham, God tells him, "But in the fourth generation they shall return here, for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet complete.” God is going to extend 400 years of grace to the Amorites and all of Canaan while Israel is in slavery. He is even telling Abraham in advance that this is what would be. God adds an additional seven days of grace to Jericho before judgement falls, as do the walls. Grace was extended to Rehab and her family due to their faith and trust in the God of Israel. Could God not as well done the same for a repentant city? He did to Nineveh after Jonah's message. As we move forward to times yet to come we know of the outpouring of judgement and God's just wrath revealed to us in the book of Revelation. Yet even in that, there is always grace and mercy for those who repent. God's just judgement simply draws people to His grace or drives them into further rebellion. However, their choice does not eliminate God's offer of grace.
If you are a regular church goer or involved in ministry you can find help to continue your fellowship and ministry even in the midst of limited social contact. I have been impressed with the desire of churches to continue ministry from pod casts, to streaming on Facebook, to audio posts on Blogspot. Efforts are being made to advance the Kingdom. Here are a few of the suggestions I have encountered. Stream on Facebook, set up email prayer chains, set up old fashioned phone chains to keep in touch, call your senior members a couple of times a week to be sure they are okay, activate your youth group into pairs and have them visit the seniors and empty their trash or kitty litter pans. You could have one family from church over for dinner and prayer times. Take your family to a shut in's home and sing a hymn or two to them on their porch and have a word of prayer for them. Have your service broadcast into your parking lot so folks can hear the message and still be isolated. How about having a church wide day of fasting and prayer without the encouragement of the government. Then there are those ancient things called letters and encouragement cards, maybe a birthday or anniversary card with a gift card from a local restaurant so when the ban ends, they can eat out and the restaurant has business now and when they reopen. Most offer gift cards on line. There are a plethora of possibilities that surround us. You can come up with your own list and post it on social media. Who knows what could happen if we put actions to our verbal concern for one another. Come to think of it, I am pretty sure this has been the Lord's desire all along. You know, to love one another, care for one another, encourage one another, and pray for one another.

Perhaps, the Lord has graciously provided us the opportunity to be who we were supposed to be all along. Just think if, after the virus is gone, and it will pass, we continued to stream and call and write and visit and pray for, love, and encourage one another. To check on our seniors and encourage our youth to minister and pray for the previous generations. Maybe our neighbors and communities would see our good works and glorify our Father in heaven. Maybe some outdoor services or parking lot fellowships would put God's love and grace on display. Maybe our intimate family gathering for meals and prayer could spark a revival and God grace would be magnifies and He would be glorified by His people. Perhaps what is happening is an opportunity for God's grace to abound. Perhaps the choice is up to you. 


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