What things are on your daily prayer list? Maybe members of your family, someone struggling, your nation, these are all important and even have some Biblical support. What about bread? Jesus told His disciples that their prayer was to include this request,"Give us this day our daily bread" (Matthew 6:11). Praying to and honoring our Heavenly Father seems appropriate. Praying for His Kingdom and will to be done seems like that should be a priority as well. But daily bread? I mean, this does not seem like a real problem for most of us. Bread is readily available in a variety of shapes, flavors, with and without gluten. Then add pastries, donuts, bagels, and desserts and I have more bread than I should even eat. At the time of the writing of Matthew bread was a needed staple of life. There were occasional famines however, with the size and network that was the Roman Empire, bread could usually be found. So why would the disciples be instructed to pray for bread every day?
Bread was actually a pretty big deal when Rabbi Jesus spoke these words. Bread meant a great deal to the Jews. There was the Feast of Unleavened Bread that they were required to keep. The traditional Seder meal had a focus on the bread. The Feast of Tabernacles was a reminder that God had provided bread, manna, everyday for forty years as they wandered in the wilderness. Bread was simply woven into Jewish society and culture in a way that elevated this common food to something that carried a special meaning several times a year. Jesus, would refer to himself as "The bread of life" in John 6:35, and "the bread that comes down from heaven" (John 6:41). We remember the Lord's death with the breaking of bread, as He instructed us to. God uses bread to illustrate the common and basic needs of life. He lets us know that this bread is also true of His Son. Meaning our very lives are dependent upon God's Son.
Praying, "Give us this day our daily bread" can actually be a very meaningful prayer. Bread is essential for survival. Starvation is not a pleasant thought. However, the application of the prayer goes well beyond what is for dinner. It ca be a reminder of just how dependent we are upon the Lord to provide for us. Every breath, every heart beat, is a gift from Him. When we come to a place where we think little about our daily needs we can miss the reality that we really are totally dependent upon our Heavenly Father and His Son for everything in life, and the life yet to come. We also miss how remarkably gracious He is, how dependable and trustworthy He is. The reason I do not think much about bread is due to the fact that it is always available. Just as the True Bread form Heaven is with me every moment of every day. Perhaps, there is a good reason to place this request into our daily prayers. God's faithfulness can easily be overlooked and even forgotten. He is my bread of life every day of my life. It seems to me that the Lord is directing us to pause during our busy days and thank God for the wonder of His daily Bread. It certainly couldn't hurt. It might even help to remind us of the constant care of our Heavenly Father.
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