What are the greatest threats to your life? We may look at the world and come up with an imposing list as we see raging forest fires, erupting volcanoes, unstable economies, wars and rumors of wars. The world can be a pretty threatening place. However there may be even greater threats much closer to home. Threats that can grow within our very souls. Quiet thoughts that fester like silent cancers quietly destroying our lives. The past few posts here at Torah Paranoia have been a review of, what is commonly known as, The Lord's Prayer. In Matthew 6 and again in Luke 11, we find some instructions on prayer from Rabbi Jesus, our Messiah. Today's portion may well be the most challenging and the most important. Matthew 6:12 reads, "And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors." Luke's version in 11:4 is as follows, "And forgive us our sins; for we also forgive every one that is indebted to us." Asking the Lord for forgiveness is a pretty common prayer for most believers. However, there is more to this prayer than asking forgiveness.
The Lord instructs His disciples to ask forgiveness based on the attitude of forgiveness that is already at work in their lives. We are to ask God to forgive us in the same fashion that we have and are forgiving others. We are asking God to follow our example of forgiveness. Our desire is that God, Himself, will model His forgiveness after our forgiveness of others. Forgiveness is a huge deal to God. He knows that lack of forgiveness leads to bitterness which will poison our lives. Lack of forgiveness is incredibly destructive. Back in the days of David, David had a trusted advisor named, Ahithophel. You will find the account in 2 Samuel 16. David's son, Absolom, is trying to kill David and take the throne by force. Ahithophel sides with Absolom to the point of asking to be the one to personally kill David. Why would this close friend and advisor to King David want to see David dead? If you check out the genealogies you will find that Bathsheba is his grand daughter. The woman David took, had her husband killed, and the result was that Ahithophel's great grandson died. Those are some pretty hefty sins to forgive. Ahithophel's counsel to Absolom is rejected so he kills himself. Actually, his unforgiving heart bred a bitterness that was waiting to take his life all along.
Forgiveness is so important God recorded a personal letter from the Apostle Paul to his friend Philemon that is a letter calling for forgiveness. A slave Philemon owned, named Onesimus, has apparently stolen from him and run away. Most guess that Onesimus was a trusted house servant so the violation to his master, Philemon, is no small matter. Onesimus has come to faith under the ministry of Paul. Paul sends him back to Philemon interceding on behalf of Onesimus. Philemon is asked to put Ephesians 4:32 into action, "Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you."
The Lord, Jesus, also shares a parable about forgiveness that has some unsettling words. It is a tale of a man who owed his lord a massive debt. He pleads for forgiveness and that is granted. The forgiven man then assaults a fellow servant who owes him pennies and has him thrown in prison. When the master finds out this unforgiving servant is also cast into prison. The account in in Matthew 18. The point of the parable comes in verse 35, “My heavenly Father will also do the same to you, if each of you does not forgive his brother from your heart.” Our forgiveness is also to be generous, seventy times seven to begin with (Matthew 18:22). Forgiveness is not optional it is required of the children of God. We are to reflect our Heavenly Father's heart of forgiveness before we ask for forgiveness for ourselves. If we do not forgive, we are told God will not forgive.
I have been in ministry long enough to see the instructive power of an unforgiving heart. I have seen families torn apart as one spouse cannot forgive another. Children haunted by wounds they will not release. Churches have been torn apart by the bitterness of an unforgiving spirit. A lack of forgiveness is also a sign of pride. Pride is a partner with a lack of forgiveness that leaves untold numbers in its ruinous wake. The unforgiving one is never satisfied and often fails to see their own life sucked down into darkness. It is a tragic waste of life.
If there are unhealed wounds that are preserved by unforgiveness it is time to let them go. Death in some measure awaits the bitter soul. Do not let pride keep you from His grace. God does warn us that, “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble " (James 4:6). It is time to forgive, so that God can forgive and pour out His grace upon your wounded heart. "And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors." is no small thing before the God Whose name we are to hallow, to honor, to respect. Your Heavenly Father waits to brings to bring His forgiveness to you. This time it depends on you.
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